Discover the Power of Nordic Curls for Your Exercise Routine - The Nordstick

Discover the Power of Nordic Curls for Your Exercise Routine

For those who exercise regularly and are eager to enhance their workouts, the Nordic curl is a compelling addition that is rapidly gaining traction for its notable benefits to lower body strength and mobility. This exercise, also known as the Nordic hamstring curl, offers a challenging yet rewarding approach to strengthening key muscle groups. Utilizing one's own body weight in Nordic curls is an effective way to strengthen muscles, making it a valuable exercise for enhancing athletic performance and reducing the risk of injury.

What are Nordic Hamstring Curls?

The Nordic curl, also known as the Nordic hamstring curl, is a specialized bodyweight exercise targeting the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. This Nordic hamstring exercise emphasizes eccentric muscle contraction, which is crucial for strengthening the posterior chain and reducing the risk of a hamstring strain. The movement begins in a tall kneeling position, with the feet secured under a sturdy object or a partner holding them. From this starting position, you slowly lower your torso forward towards the ground, engaging your hamstrings to control the descent. Once fully lowered, you use the hamstring muscles to pull back up to the original kneeling position.

Benefits of Incorporating Nordic Hamstring Curls into Your Routine for Injury Prevention

Increase Lower Body Strength

Nordic curls are exceptional for enhancing strength in the hamstrings, which are pivotal for knee flexion and hip extension. This strength gain translates into improved performance in other lower-body exercises, such as squats, deadlifts, and lunges. Strengthening the hamstring muscles not only boosts your leg day performance but also contributes to overall athletic performance.

Improve Mobility and Flexibility

This exercise demands a significant range of motion, especially in a stretched position as you lower your body. Regularly performing Nordic curls can increase your lower body flexibility, which is crucial for achieving deeper movements in other exercises and may help prevent hamstring strains and injuries.

Convenient and Cost-Effective

Unlike many other exercises that require gym equipment or heavy weights, Nordic curls can be performed with minimal equipment like a Nordstick. This makes them a perfect fit for home workouts or for those who prefer to train outside a traditional gym setting.

Challenging Yet Rewarding

Nordic curls are known for their difficulty, even among advanced athletes. They provide a challenging workout that can lead to significant muscle growth and improvements in eccentric strength. These curls engage not only the hamstrings but also involve the glutes and lower back, making them a comprehensive lower-body workout.

Technical Insights on Performing Nordic Hamstring Curls

Starting Position and Knee Flexion Movement in Nordic Curls

Begin in a tall kneeling position, with your knees and the top of your feet firmly pressed against the ground. It's essential to find a soft surface or use a pad under your knees for comfort. Secure your feet under a heavy object or have a partner hold them to prevent movement. The key to performing Nordic curls effectively is to maintain a straight line from your knees to your shoulders as you slowly lower your chest towards the ground, focusing on a controlled eccentric phase.

Hamstring Muscles Worked by Nordic Curls

The primary focus of the Nordic hamstring curl is the hamstring muscles, specifically the biceps femoris. This exercise also engages the glutes and the core, providing a solid workout for the entire posterior chain. The eccentric muscle contraction involved in the lowering phase is particularly effective for hamstring development and can help in injury prevention.

The easiest way to perfrom nordic hamstring curls is with OmniBands.

Tips for Effective Execution

  1. Start Slowly: If you're new to this exercise, begin with partial descents or use assistance, such as a resistance band or holding onto a weight bench for support.

  2. Focus on Form: Ensure you maintain proper form throughout the exercise to avoid injury and maximize benefits. Keep your hips extended and avoid bending at the hips to ensure the hamstrings bear the load.

  3. Gradual Progression: As your strength builds, increase the range of motion and add more repetitions to your sets.

Integrating Nordic Curls into Your Workout Routine

To incorporate Nordic curls into your exercise regimen, start with one to two sessions per week. This frequency allows your muscles to adapt to the new workout intensity and can significantly reduce the risk of hamstring injuries. As you progress, you can increase the volume or integrate variations, such as weighted Nordic curls with a light weight plate on your back for added resistance.

Professional Guidance and Recovery

It’s advisable to consult with a fitness enthusiast or a physical therapist to ensure you are performing the exercise correctly, especially if you are recovering from an injury. Proper technique is crucial in preventing further hamstring strain and achieving the best results.


Nordic hamstring curls are a potent tool in your fitness arsenal, ideal for those looking to enhance leg strength, improve flexibility, and challenge their muscular endurance. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or just beginning, integrating Nordic curls can elevate your lower body capability and help you achieve a more robust and resilient physique. Give this exercise a try and feel the difference in your lower body strength and mobility.

As always, for further guidance and inspiration, feel free to reach out to us on our Instagram @theNordstick, where we share tips, techniques, and motivational content to help you on your fitness journey.

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