Train Like an Olympic 100-Meter Dash Sprinter with the NordBench

Train Like an Olympic 100-Meter Dash Sprinter with the NordBench

Achieving the explosive speed and power of an Olympic 100-meter dash sprinter is no small feat, but with the NordBench, you can bring elite training into your home. This versatile piece of equipment is designed to enhance your sprinting workouts by targeting crucial muscle groups, such as the hamstrings and glutes, which are essential for that burst of speed off the blocks.

Whether you're a dedicated sprinter, a fitness enthusiast, or an athlete looking to boost your performance, the NordBench offers a comprehensive solution to elevate your training regimen. In this guide, we'll walk you through a sample workout that incorporates dynamic stretches, strength-building exercises, and targeted drills to help you sprint faster and stronger.

Key Takeaways

  1. Boost explosive speed with targeted training: The NordBench is designed to help you build the leg and core strength needed for faster acceleration and top speed, just like Olympic sprinters.
  2. Enhance power with specialized exercises: Incorporating exercises like Nordic curls and reverse hypers on the NordBench develops key muscles for sprinting performance, focusing on strength, power, and injury prevention.
  3. Train smarter, run faster: By using the NordBench to focus on sprint-specific movements, you’ll improve your form, increase efficiency, and reduce your 100-meter dash time.

Get ready to unlock your full potential and train like an Olympic champion.


The Workout

Warm-Up (10-15 minutes)

Prepare your muscles and joints for high-intensity training.

  1. High Knees - 2 minutes

  2. Butt Kicks - 2 minutes

  3. Leg Swings - 1 minute each leg

  4. Dynamic Lunges - 1 minute each leg

  5. Arm Circles - 1 minute

Sprint Drills (20 minutes)

Focus on technique, acceleration, and speed development with these sprint-specific drills.

  1. A-Skips - 3 sets of 20 meters

  2. B-Skips - 3 sets of 20 meters

  3. High Knees - 3 sets of 20 meters

  4. Bounding - 3 sets of 20 meters

  5. Strides - 4 sets of 50 meters

Main Workout

  1. Nordic Curls

  2. Back Extensions

  3. Hip Thrusts

  4. Split Squats

  5. Slant Board Squats

Core Workout (15 minutes)

Strengthen your core to improve stability and power transfer during sprints.

  1. Plank - 3 sets of 1 minute

  2. Russian Twists - 3 sets of 20 reps

  3. Leg Raises - 3 sets of 15 reps

  4. Bicycle Crunches - 3 sets of 20 reps

  5. Mountain Climbers - 3 sets of 1 minute

Cool Down (10 minutes)

Finish your workout with a proper cool-down to aid recovery and flexibility.

  1. Static Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each leg

  2. Quad Stretch - 1 minute each leg

  3. Hip Flexor Stretch - 1 minute each leg

  4. Calf Stretch - 1 minute each leg

  5. Child’s Pose - 2 minutes

Tips for Success

  • Ensure proper hydration before, during, and after your workout.

  • Focus on maintaining good form to prevent injuries and maximize effectiveness.

  • Gradually increase the intensity and volume of your workouts as your fitness improves.

  • Get adequate rest and recovery between workouts to allow your muscles to repair and grow.

With consistency and dedication, this workout will help you develop the strength, speed, and power needed to sprint like an Olympic 100-meter dash sprinter. Let the NordBench be your training partner on your path to athletic excellence!

The Reason Behind Every Exercise

Dynamic Stretching and Light Jog

Dynamic stretching and a light jog are essential to prepare your body for the intense workout ahead.


  • High Knees activate your hip flexors and quadriceps, priming your legs for rapid movements.

  • Butt Kicks engage your hamstrings and glutes, crucial for explosive sprinting power.

  • Leg Swings help improve hip mobility and help prevent groin injuries.

  • Dynamic Lunges stretch and strengthen your hip flexors and quadriceps, enhancing stride length.

  • Arm Circles activate your shoulder muscles and improve the range of motion in your arms, essential for an efficient arm drive.

Sprint Drills

  • A-Skips emphasize knee lift and drive, vital for improving sprinting mechanics.

  • B-Skips target the extension and flexion of your legs, enhancing your running form.

  • High Knees in sprint drills promote quick, powerful leg turnover and improve aerobic capacity.

  • Bounding enhances stride length and power, key components for faster sprints.

  • Strides help fine-tune your sprinting rhythm and prepare your muscles for maximum effort.

Main Workout Essentials

Nordic Curls for Hamstring Strength


Nordic curls are a cornerstone exercise for building hamstring strength, crucial for sprinting speed and injury prevention. This exercise involves lowering your body from a kneeling position, focusing on the eccentric phase to maximize muscle engagement. The NordBench offers eight levels of regression, making it accessible for all fitness levels.

Perform 3 sets of 8-10 reps, gradually increasing difficulty as your strength improves. Nordic curls reinforce the hamstrings' role in explosive sprints by enhancing muscle elasticity and power. Strong hamstrings also contribute to better knee stability, reducing the risk of injuries such as strains or tears.

Incorporating Nordic curls into your sprinting workout not only boosts your sprint speed but also ensures balanced muscle development. The NordBench's adjustable settings allow for progressive training, making it an essential tool for anyone serious about improving their sprinting performance.

Back Extensions for Glute Power


Back extensions are pivotal for enhancing glute power, which is essential for a strong push-off in sprints. Using the NordBench, perform back extensions at a 45-degree angle to activate your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. This angle is optimal for targeting the posterior chain, crucial for propelling you forward during a sprint.

Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 reps, ensuring controlled movements to maximize muscle engagement. You can also incorporate isometric holds at 0 degrees to specifically target the glutes and lumbar extensors. This variation helps improve core stability and overall back strength, which are vital for maintaining proper sprinting form.

The NordBench's superior quality and versatility make it easy to adjust the intensity and focus of your back extensions, allowing for a comprehensive lower body workout. Strengthening your glutes through back extensions not only boosts your sprint speed but also enhances your athletic performance in other areas.Hip Thrusts for Explosive Starts

Hip Thrusts for Explosive Sprints


Hip thrusts are crucial for developing the explosive power needed for fast sprint starts. By focusing on your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, hip thrusts help you generate a stronger push-off, essential for gaining speed quickly. Using the NordBench, perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps, ensuring your shoulders are supported on the bench and your feet are firmly planted on the ground.

Drive your hips upward, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement. This exercise not only builds muscle strength but also improves hip extension, which is vital for sprinting efficiency. The NordBench's adjustable footplate enhances exercise versatility, allowing you to find the perfect position for maximum muscle activation.

Incorporating hip thrusts into your sprinting workout routine will significantly improve your acceleration and overall sprinting performance. The NordBench's design ensures you can perform these exercises safely and effectively, making it an indispensable tool for athletes aiming to achieve explosive starts.

Split Squats for Leg Stability


Split squats are excellent for improving leg stability and unilateral strength, crucial for maintaining balance and power during sprints. Perform this exercise using the NordBench, placing one foot on the bench behind you. Complete 3 sets of 10-12 reps for each leg, focusing on controlled movements to ensure proper form and muscle engagement.

Split squats target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, helping to build balanced leg strength. This balance is vital for quick, powerful strides and reducing the risk of injuries associated with imbalances. The NordBench's compact and adjustable design makes it easy to find the perfect height for your rear foot, enhancing the effectiveness of the exercise.

Incorporating split squats into your sprinting workout routine will improve your leg stability, enabling you to sprint with greater power and efficiency. The NordBench allows you to perform these exercises comfortably at home, making it a valuable addition to any athlete's training arsenal.

Slant Board Squats for Powerful Push-offs


Slant board squats are essential for developing powerful push-offs, a key component in explosive sprint starts. By elevating your heels on the adjustable slant board of the NordBench, you enhance quad activation and improve squat depth. Perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps, focusing on driving through your heels to maximize quad engagement.

This exercise not only targets the quadriceps but also improves ankle mobility, which is crucial for maintaining proper sprinting form. The NordBench’s slant board feature allows for customizable angles, ensuring you can find the optimal position for your body.

Incorporating slant board squats into your sprinting routine will help you generate more power during the push-off phase, leading to faster acceleration. The versatility and superior design of the NordBench make it easy to perform these squats effectively, providing a comprehensive solution for enhancing lower body strength and sprinting performance

Why We Added a Core Workout

A strong core is the foundation of any athletic movement, especially sprinting. Integrating a dedicated core workout into your routine brings multiple benefits that directly translate to improved performance on the track.

  • Stability: A strong core ensures that your body remains stable during each phase of the sprint. This stability helps maintain proper form, reducing the risk of injury and ensuring that every muscle is working optimally.

  • Power Transfer: Your core acts as the central link between your upper and lower body. By strengthening it, you enhance the efficiency of power transfer from your legs to your arms and vice versa. This translates to more explosive starts and stronger sprints.

  • Balance: Sprints require quick directional changes and a stable core aids in balancing your body, allowing swift and responsive movements. This is particularly important during the acceleration phase and when maintaining top speed.

The core workout includes:

  • Plank: Builds endurance and strength in your core.

  • Russian Twists: Targets obliques, improving rotational strength.

  • Leg Raises: Engages lower abs, crucial for hip flexor strength.

  • Bicycle Crunches: Combines upper and lower abs training.

  • Mountain Climbers: Elevates heart rate while strengthening the core.

These exercises are chosen to ensure a comprehensive core strength, helping you sprint with better form, balance, and power.

Adding this core workout will not just make your sprints faster but will also enhance your overall athletic ability, making every movement more efficient. Get ready to feel more confident and powerful with every stride!

Effective Cooldown Techniques

Cooling down is vital for recovery and preventing muscle soreness after a high-intensity workout.

Static Hamstring Stretch -1 minute each leg: Stretches the hamstrings to release tension and promote flexibility, essential for preventing muscle tightness and injury.

Quad Stretch -1 minute each leg: Focuses on the quadriceps, relieving any tightness and improving muscle elasticity, which is crucial after intensive sprint drills.

Hip Flexor Stretch -1 minute each leg: Targets the hip flexors to enhance flexibility and range of motion, aiding in optimal stride length and reducing the risk of strains.

Calf Stretch -1 minute each leg: Activates the calf muscles, essential for ankle mobility and reducing stiffness, ensuring faster recovery and better performance.

Child’s Pose -2 minutes: Provides a gentle stretch for the lower back and glutes, promoting relaxation and reducing any residual muscle tension from your sprinting workout.

Incorporate gentle stretching for your lower back and hip flexors as well. Using the NordBench, you can perform back extensions at a lower intensity to stretch your lower back and hamstrings.

This helps alleviate any tightness and promotes muscle flexibility. Finally, consider using a foam roller to massage out any knots or tight areas, particularly in your legs and lower back. This routine aids in muscle recovery and prepares your body for the next training session, ensuring you remain injury-free and ready to perform at your best.


Incorporating the NordBench into your sprinting workouts can significantly elevate your training, helping you achieve the explosive speed and power of an Olympic 100-meter dash sprinter. From dynamic stretches to targeted drills and strength-building exercises, this versatile piece of equipment ensures you target the key muscle groups essential for sprinting excellence.

Remember, consistency is key. By sticking to this comprehensive workout plan and making the NordBench a central part of your routine, you'll soon notice improvements in your speed, strength, and overall performance. Whether you’re looking to compete at a high level or simply boost your fitness, the NordBench is designed to support you every step of the way.

Ready to take your training to the next level? Try the NordBench today and unlock your full potential. Discover how this innovative tool can transform your workouts and help you sprint faster and stronger than ever before.


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