Easy Setup Instructions

Easy Setup Instructions - The Nordstick

Getting ready to dive into your Nordic hamstring curls? Great choice! To ensure you start off on the right foot, we recommend watching this short video which covers everything you need to know about setting up your Nordstick. 

How to Setup Your Nordstick in Just 10 Seconds

Yes, you read that right! Setting up your Nordstick is straightforward and quick, allowing you more time to focus on your workout. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Adjust the Strap: Begin by adjusting the strap to fit the size of your foot. This ensures that your feet stay secure during the exercise.
  2. Slide Under the Door: Place the end of the Nordstick with the strap under your door.
  3. Close the Door: Gently close the door to secure the Nordstick in place. Make sure it's tightly shut to prevent the Nordstick from slipping.
  4. Position Your Feet: Stand facing the door and place your feet flat against it.
  5. Slide Feet Under Nordstick: Carefully slide your feet under the strap of the Nordstick. Double-check to make sure the strap fits comfortably around your heels.
  6. Perform Nordic Hamstring Curl: Now that you’re all set up, you’re ready to perform the Nordic hamstring curl. Focus on maintaining proper form to maximize the effectiveness of your workout and minimize the risk of injury.

Ready to Get Started?

If you haven’t already got your hands on a Nordstick, now’s the time to grab one and experience the transformative power of Nordic curls right from the comfort of your home. Enhance your lower body strength, improve flexibility, and reduce the risk of hamstring injuries with just a few minutes of setup and exercise.



Reading next

A Brief History of the Nordic Curl - The Nordstick

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