Man performing a Nordic hamstring curl exercise with knee support at home.

This Simple, “Pro-Level” Bodyweight Exercise Strengthens & Stabilizes your Knees Faster & Better Than Anything Else You've Ever Tried

According to the AAOS (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons), nearly 50% of Americans develop and struggle with knee issues at least once in their lifetime.

Here's why, and how adding one simple exercise to your routine can prevent you from being part of that statistic

Garrett Drumheller

June 15th, 2024

Man performing a Nordic hamstring curl exercise with knee support at home.

In 2018, 25% of American Adults Struggled With Some Sort Of Knee Issue … That's 1 in every 4 people!¹

That's 1 in every 4 people.

 In that time, the amount of knee issues had increased by 65%!

…And right now, the stats show that 1 out of every 2 Americans deal with knee issues – weak or unstable knee(s) — at least once in their life.

With a future estimated growth of 673% by 2030.

That's despite the fact that most of us work out or engage in sports.

1 in every 3 Americans reported working out 3x a week, and a whopping 80% of Americans participated in sport activities last year (2023) alone!² 

So, what exactly is the issue?

Athlete gripping a painful, glowing knee, indicating injury or strain.

Why is there still some sort of “silent knee pandemic” going on, despite our efforts?

If you've ever experienced knee issues before, or are experiencing knee pain or instability right now, then you know how helpless and frustrating it can feel…

The fact that you can't do the things or activities you really love anymore, the feeling of constantly being in some level of pain…

The fear that if you move a certain way you might injure yourself — not being able to depend on your own balance and your own body anymore…

 It's certainly something to worry about, to the point of wanting to do something about it. 

Person using a leg press machine in a gym.

But, the problem is … most knee-fixing solutions out there right now are almost all ineffective and temporary.

That's pretty clear for pills and knee braces, yes — but…

Even popular PT exercises — like lunges, squats, deadlifts, good mornings, etc — don't really do as much to fix or prevent these knee issues.

Mainly because, as it's been shown in various studies, they don't do enough to strengthen the stabilizing muscles around the knee.³

Which is why you might get some relief, but the issue never really gets fixed for good.

What that means is that you might be wasting your time with leg day at the gym.

Well … not entirely, since other leg and lower body muscles actually benefit from those other exercises…

But what's the point of leg days or all the rehab sessions if you'd eventually still end up with knee and mobility issues (again) down the line? 

What's the point of “strengthening your legs” if they don't actually get strengthened, and you still end up with constant pains, instability, or needing some form of support just to move around? 

Animated diagram showing elbow joint and forearm muscles movement during elbow flexion and extension.

Luckily, there's now a working solution.

A simple, but so far “secret” exercise — that super strengthens those stabilizing muscles, and bulletproofs your knees and legs as a result

An exercise so good it's done by pro athletes like Tyreek Hill, Saquon Barkley, and even legends like Georges St-Pierre and Archie Archuleta…

And it's also part of the most researched, most used, and most effective knee rehab/injury prevention program (the FIFA program).

Mainly because of how good and effective it is at preventing knee and leg injuries, strengthening your core, and even increasing your balance, agility, and athleticism

Plus … although it's not easy, it's an exercise that's so simple, you can do it from pretty much anywhere.

This makes it easier for you to stay consistent and helps you see better and faster results with your knees & legs, and to avoid being part of the “disability statistic.”

That's why, although this exercise has been kind of secret and unknown all this time, it has recently went viral. Which means you might have probably heard of it too …

The Best Exercise For Injury Prevention, Knee and Hamstring Strengthening, and Improved Mobility + Balance — The Nordic Curl 

Man doing a knee push-up exercise at home on a rug.

You may or may not have already heard about this exercise.

You might have come across it already on Facebook or YouTube or Tiktok, or not.

Either way, the Nordic curl is a simple but super challenging exercise you can do anywhere.

It's considered one of, if not THE BEST exercise for hamstrings and knee strengthening and injury prevention…

As well as for improving and increasing your balance, knee stability, agility, and your overall athleticism.

It's said to work so well because of how much it does strengthen stabilizing muscles and ligaments — more specifically your hamstrings³…

As well as how well it increases the balance between the hamstrings and your quads — which increases the stability of your knees and your balance while you move.³ 

Person performing a kneeling exercise with feet secured, inside a room with a plant and white doors.

This exercise is scientifically proven to be extremely effective.

Studies done by William P. Ebben and his colleagues, a couple of Professors, Coaches and Exercise Scientists from the University of Marquette, Milwaukee (who also happened to be part of the USA weightlifting team)…  

Showed that nordic curls have a 98% muscle activation rate — which is pretty much the entirety of your muscles.

In comparison, exercises like squats (27% activation rate), deadlifts (49% activation rate), and good mornings (43% activation rate) are way less effective and they have little to no effects on the necessary stabilizing muscles of your knees⁴.

That's why tons of professional athletes do nordic curls, to the point where it's pretty much mandatory for pro soccer players.

As it turns out, nordic curls were shown to reduce injury risk by 50%, and re-injury risk by 85%

While also being shown to reduce knee loading, increase range of motion, and improve joint lubrication, as well as strengthen your knee muscles and ligaments.

All of which help to prevent stiffness and degeneration, as well as improving your balance, mobility, explosiveness and overall athleticism 

The best thing about Nordic Curls? You can do them anywhere, anytime — BUT… (and there's a big “but”) 

Nordic curls are even better and cooler because they're simple and easy to set up and do — pretty much ANYWHERE and at ANYTIME.

All you need is somewhere to anchor your feet, and adequate padding for your knees.

It's an exercise that involves lowering yourself — your entire body weight— to the ground, slowly and in a controlled manner, using your hamstrings alone to control the movement.

And don't worry — with adequate padding, your knees don't hurt, even if you previously had/felt a little pain/instability*

Simply because most of the pressure/load is on your hamstrings.

*Consult your physician for pain level/critical of your own personal situation before trying

Anatomical illustration of man performing Nordic hamstring curl exercise on a mat.

This doesn't mean the exercise itself is easy

In fact, it's one of the most challenging exercises you'll ever do.

I can absolutely guarantee you, with 100% certainty, that you wouldn't be able to complete even ONE full nordic curl right now (unless you are a professional athlete).

Simply because your hamstrings are very weak — and doing nordic curls will show you just how weak they really are.

But … the good news is, you don't even need to do the full thing for you to start experiencing the benefits.

Just trying is enough!

If you only do a half Nordic Curl, you will activate the hamstrings like never before.

Even just beginning the exercise has a HUGE impact both on your hamstrings, and your knees.

Helping them get stronger, more stable, and more flexible

And … due to the amount and degree of activation of your hamstrings, these changes happens faster than with other exercises.

Usually you'll be feeling the effects — which usually are (in people's own words) “stronger, more stable knees and legs”, … in just a few weeks.

But, in order to experience and enjoy all these benefits with nordic curls, there's… a CONDITION:

As with all other exercises, you need to do Nordic Curls using proper form. So you activate the necessary muscles properly, and most importantly, don't injure yourself, make things worse, or even cramp up while doing the exercise — which most people who do nordics wrong always seem to complain of. 

For Nordic curls, proper form means having your feet in dorsiflexion, meaning this way: 

Diagram showing dorsiflexion and plantar flexion of the foot and ankle.

This will allow you to hit the right force curve and get the right impact on your muscles and knees, while also preventing you from injuring yourself or complicating things even more...

But, in order to do Nordic curls the right way, you either need:

1. Someone to hold/anchor your feet like that while you bust them out
2. To go to the gym and use their nordic bench, or
3. To buy a nordic bench yourself

Two shirtless men performing a kneeling exercise together in a gym.A black workout bench with leg rollers and a sturdy metal frame.

Problem is, the first option is both not feasible, and it's inconvenient.

Someone won't always be there to hold your feet.

The second option is ideal, but can sometimes be inconvenient too.

Most of us don't have the time to always go to the gym, or the strength to do so after a long day — so we'd prefer to workout at home if possible (right?).

Even when we do go to the gym, we don't want to spend a lot of time waiting for the machine just to do our routines…

And, honestly, most of us would prefer exercises which aren't much of a hassle to do in the first place.

The third option is a pretty expensive one.

Nordic benches cost upwards of $500 — which, if you can afford, you should definitely go for.

It's just… it's a pretty serious expense to make for just one exercise (plus a few others maybe).

There are other options like makeshift DIY equipment, and straps…

 But, like others who have tried them have also found out, they don't feel exactly the same as with a dedicated machine/when using proper form.

They don't have the same force curve, and the exercises don't feel like they're hitting the same.

The thing is, you NEED to do Nordic Curls. They're a super important and beneficial exercise, something arguably every one of us should be doing — because of the health of our knees and legs over time … 

Especially if you work a desk job, play sports, or are very active in your spare time — or at your job (construction, nurses, etc).

And this is one of those things you DON'T want to find out later on, or wait until it happens to you before you address it.

By then it's much harder and too late. it would simply be a management process where the damage has already been done.

Most of us have aging parents — and we've seen it happen to them, or start happening right now — so you know this is a real thing

That's what made me create The Nordstick

All of these factors, in addition to my personal need (as a pro sports physical therapist) to have to train my athletes both at home and on the go — gym or no gym …

Led me to team up with some manufacturers here in the US, to create a super-mini nordic bench, so to say …

Something with the same force curve as the nordic bench machine, with the essential parts like the leg support and knee support ONLY…

BUT that's also super portable and convenient, and allows you to actually do nordic curls ANYTIME and ANYWHERE…

And all for 1/10th the price of a NORDIC BENCH

Same effectiveness, same impact as a Nordic Bench

This little equipment is so good and effective, it's used by popular and elite athletes too!

Athletes like Gilbert Burns, Tyjae Spears and Mickey Gall use them to do Nordic curls with proper form, from anywhere and at anytime — and to experience the same full benefits of nordics as with a dedicated machine.

Even Kneesovertoes Guy recommends them to start doing nordics and bulletproof your knees/mobility!

The Nordstick can help you strengthen & stabilize your hamstrings and knees

Man in a blue shirt holding exercise equipment in a modern home.

The Nordstick is a simple but revolutionary little piece of equipment that allows you to get all the benefits of Nordic Curls (and way more) from the comfort of your home and without spending a lot of money on equipment.

You can use it at home, take it with you to the gym, or on trips — wherever!

It allows you to do Nordic Curls by providing the same leg support as the nordic bench, which you can adjust to your leg size/level using the strap. 

Using that, and padding for your knees, you can do nordic curls with the same perfect form and force curve as with the dedicated machine, but you can do it much more conveniently, and much more often.

Because you can take your “nordic bench” with you anywhere.

You can also use The Nordstick to do other exercises too, like core and ab exercises — same as with the nordic bench.

And all this, just for 1/10th the price of a nordic bench.

Comparison chart of NordicStick and Nordic Bench equipment for Nordic curls.

This is why The Nordstick has 147,000+ 5-star reviews, as other Americans are already using them to safeguard and protect their knees, get stronger legs, and have more versatile workouts.

This includes even celebrities like Joe Rogan… as well as everyone else, from pro athletes to weekend warriors, from younger to older people

And the results they've experienced include some of the ones we're all needing/looking for — like stronger hamstrings, stronger and more stable knees, freedom from pain, and the ability to do the activities and things they love again, plus a whole lot more!

Here, see for yourself: 

Total game changer

My favorite piece of Equipment now. Nordic hamstring curls are a total game changer. It's super easy to use. No damage to the door and stick stays in place the entire time. Much more stable than what I’ve rigged up at the gym.

- Alain L.

Recommended to everyone

I recently ordered the Nordstick. It is excellent. I feel that I receive the same intensity as a much more expensive Nordic ham machine. Also, the Nordstick is portable, so I can take it with me when I travel. Recommended to everyone.

- Marcelo C.


Simple, easy to use once you get it adjusted properly. Makes it possible to do hamstring curls without spending a lot. Must have for anyone working out at home and wanting to truly develop overall leg strength.

- Jon

Question is, why not you too? (Final Thoughts) 

Why take the risk of suffering from knee issues and difficulty with movement in the future — maybe even near future — when the solution is now very obvious, AND pretty simple to implement?

The problem with the “knee epidemic” is clear — and it's now obvious that we need to take some responsibility to protect our knees and our bodies in general, especially as we age.

So we can keep doing (most of) the things we like/want/need to do.

Most importantly, it's now also clear HOW we should do so — how it's all about exercises with a high impact that'll give us the results and have the effects we want/need.

And how Nordic Curls are one of the best (the fastest/most effective) ways to do so.

Which is why they're so popular among athletes. 

Woman exercising with resistance bands at home, wearing maroon workout clothes.

But you don't have to be an athlete to take advantage of the benefits or look after your own knees/body.

You can do so starting today, and also (most likely) fix any current knee strength and stability issues in the process…

All you need to do is get in your nordic curl reps consistently to reap all these amazing rewards for your health and quality of life.

And you can now do so at your own convenience, from wherever and whenever you want, using The Nordstick.

Getting and using The Nordstick pretty much makes it way easier and convenient to get those benefits, strengthen your legs and rejuvenate your knees.

Which is much better and way cheaper than the alternative— living with knee pains, immobility, total dependence on others, being super old real quick, etc.

If you had to choose between the two, the choice is pretty clear isn't it? 

Even better — there's a first time buyer’s discount running right now! 

Resistance bands connected to padded ankle straps and a cushioned waist belt.

As affordable and accessible The Nordstick has been designed to be — we decided to make the deal even better…

So that more people can start practicing and doing nordic curls, and we’ll have less and less adults walking around with fragile, liable legs and knees — aka injuries waiting to happen.

I know about this all too well, because it was something that affected my girlfriend too — when due to how weak her hamstrings were, she suffered a serious, career-threatening knee injury…

I saw it devastate and change her.

I saw her struggle with doing even basic stuff, going from a fully capable athlete and adult, to needing me (or some form of support) to do a lot of things.

I saw the fear of not being able to go pro and do what she loved, the frustration and pain of watching her peers — and her life — seemingly pass by… 

I never wanted that to happen to her again.

Which is what led to me (us) doing extensive research, discovering nordic curls…

And then innovating The Nordstick to allow her to do them properly and perfectly from home — as going to the gym/moving around in that condition was a hassle, and I wasn't always around.  

Two people high-fiving in a modern, brightly lit living room.

The importance of this cannot be overstated really — it's your mobility, your ability to move around and do stuff.

You really don't know what you have until you lose it. And, in this case, you do NOT want to find out, trust me. 

That's why we decided to slash the prices of these a little bit more, and offer you a 20% off discount

The manufacturers aren't involved in this deal (because the cost of production is the cost of production. That doesn't exactly change) …

The cut comes from OUR pockets and OUR profits.

But it's worth it because the product does work, and it was made to cater to people's knees …

Which is exactly what dropping the price allows it to do for a lot of people, including you.

So we're still happy. It's a win-win for everybody.

But only if you take advantage of the deal right now, as it won't last forever.

This deal mostly depends on the stock we have right now, and costs of production staying low…

And with how much/how fast people are swiping them up — which is probably due to the fact that you also get a FREE, 10-week Nordic Curl workout plan, along with the Nordstick…

The plan is made to help you stay fit and healthy, improve your workouts, AND your results too — including your weight/size, AND your strength, AND your energy levels …

Laptop, phone, and pamphlet displaying 'The Nordstick Resilience Program,' offered free with a $99 value.

The FREE 10 Week Nordic Curls workout plan coming automatically with your purchase of the Nordstick definitely makes it a great deal.

Which is why we've been selling out a lot of these everyday. 

It's why I'd also advise you get yours now before it's too late.

And don't worry — your purchase is risk free, with a 30-day Satisfaction Guarantee

So if you don't like the quality and performance of The Nordstick, the strength and durability and convenience, and if it's not exactly as described…

You can return it, and you'll get all your money back, no questions asked.

But, just like with 147,000+ others, this most likely won't be the case.

You'll most likely enjoy The Nordstick, enjoy the challenge of doing nordic curls, and get to enjoy, stronger, better, more stable, more powerful, and more explosive knees, hamstrings and legs in the process — for both now, AND as you get older.

So take the plunge today! Don't wait for things to get bad first, or worse — for this sweet, sweet deal to pass you by. 


Stronger knees in 10 weeks with Nordstick

Woman sitting on stairs, smiling, and holding fitness equipment in sunlight.


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Nordstick— the #1 Nordic Curl Equipment For Stronger Hamstrings and Knees, From Anywhere and at Anytime!

Act fast and secure a Nordstick Pro for yourself, plus get all the amazing bonuses for your health, workouts, appearance, energy and performance — for just $36.99 today

Act fast and secure a Nordstick Pro for yourself, plus get all the amazing bonuses for your health, workouts, appearance, energy and performance — for just $36.99 today

Woman in athletic wear sitting on stairs, holding exercise equipment, and smiling.

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