Trusted by 100,000+ athletes worldwide

From Zero To Hero 10 Weeks Workout Program

The most advanced workout plan for bulletproofing your knees

Get to know the most effective workout to strengthen your knees and reduce the risk of injuries

2 workouts a week for 10 weeks

Just workout 30 minutes a day

No equipment needed

Free consultation with therapist included

Get access to our exclusive FB community



Suffering from knee pain? You're not alone

Knee pain is one of the most common and debilitating injuries among sports players of all levels and ages. It can affect your performance, your enjoyment, and your quality of life.

According to scientific research knee injuries are responsible for about 10–25% of all sports-related injuries, and they're particularly common in the 15 to 24 age range.

Knee pain can have many causes, such as overuse, trauma, arthritis, or infection. But one of the main factors that contributes to knee pain is weakness of the muscles around the knee, especially the hamstrings.

The hamstrings are the muscles at the back of your thigh that help you bend your knee and extend your hip. They also play a crucial role in stabilizing your knee joint and preventing excessive forward movement of your lower leg.

Having strong and healthy hamstrings can help you prevent knee injuries, improve your mobility and stability, and enhance your performance in everyday activities and sports.

But how can you strengthen your hamstrings effectively and safely?

That's were From Zero To Hero comes in

From Zero To Hero is a workout plan that helps you get stronger, healthier knees and reduce your injury risk.

It’s designed by experts in physical therapy and strength coaching, who have helped thousands of people like you achieve their fitness goals. It’s based on scientific principles and proven methods that work for any age, fitness level, or knee condition.

It’s easy to follow, fun to do, and effective in delivering results.

And it’s not just another generic exercise program that makes you do endless squats and lunges.

It’s a specialized program that focuses on one of the most effective exercises for building hamstring strength and preventing knee injuries: the Nordic Curl.

A workout plan backed by science

From Zero To Hero is based on the Nordic Curl, a challenging bodyweight exercise that involves lowering yourself from a kneeling position to the floor while keeping your hips extended and your torso straight. It’s also known as the Russian Hamstring Curl or the Nordic Hamstring Lower.

The Nordic Curl has been shown by scientific research to be one of the best exercises for preventing hamstring injuries and improving knee health. A systematic review and meta-analysis of 8459 athletes found that including the Nordic Curl in injury prevention programs halves the rate of hamstring injuries.

Less Injuries


Reduce your injury risk by 51%

Re-Injury Risk


From 0 To Hero can reduce reinjury risk by over 85%

More Knee Strength


Of customers* reported an increase in knee strength

A comprehensive and detailed workout plan

Not all Nordic Curls are created equal. To get the most benefits from this exercise, you need to perform it correctly and progressively.

That’s why From Zero To Hero provides you with detailed instructions, feedback, and variations of the Nordic Curl to suit your needs and goals. You’ll learn how to perform it with proper technique and how to avoid common mistakes.

The workouts are designed to challenge you progressively over time, so that you can make your knees bulletproof.

Healthier knees in just 30 minutes a day

We designed From Zero To Hero to be a time-efficient program.

You only need 30 minutes per day to do it. That’s less than 1 hour per week. We know your time is valuable, so we didn’t try to waste it.

We created a program that delivers maximum results in minimum time. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym or follow complicated routines to get stronger knees.

You just have to follow our simple and effective program that fits your schedule and lifestyle. You’ll be amazed by how much you can improve your knee health and performance in just 10 weeks.

But that's not all...

When you join From Zero To Hero, you’ll also get access to our exclusive community and a free consultation call with a strength coach. You’ll be able to:

Schedule a free discovery call with one of our professionals who will assess your current situation, answer your questions, and guide you on how to get the most out of From Zero To Hero.

Access our online group where you can share your progress, ask questions, get feedback, and support each other. You’ll also get tips and advice from our coaches and experts along the way.

These bonuses that will help you stay motivated, accountable, and on track with your program.

You’ll never feel alone or lost in your journey. You’ll always have someone to help you and cheer you on.

What They're Saying

"It absolutely saved my knees. It's perfect for rehab and for bullet proofing your knees and legs"


Verified Buyer

"I was skeptical at first, but Nordic curls have completely changed my life! My knee pain has significantly decreased"


Verified Buyer

"So much harder than you think, but absolutely worth it to train like you never have before! Love having an easy, at-home Nordic!"


Verified Buyer

Transform your knees and your life

From Zero To Hero is more than just a workout plan.

It’s a comprehensive solution that will transform your knees and your life. It will help you:

Reduce knee pain and inflammation

Improve knee function and range of motion

Enhance strength and endurance of the muscles around the knee

Increase stability and balance

Lower the risk of future knee injuries

Boost confidence and self-esteem

Enjoy more satisfaction and pleasure in physical activities and sports

Imagine how your life would change if you had stronger, healthier, and less injury-prone knees.

Imagine being able to walk, run, jump, squat, lunge, climb stairs, play with your kids or grandkids, or participate in your favorite hobbies without fear or pain.

Imagine feeling more youthful, vibrant, and alive.

You don’t have to imagine anymore. You can make it happen with From Zero To Hero.

Upgrade your workouts with our equipment

NordStick Pro


Get NordStick Pro:

Heal knee pain in 8 weeks

Reduce your injury risk by 50%

Bulletproof your knees

Most Popular - 20% Off

NordStick Pro + OmniStrap Bundle



Bundle Up & Save 20%

NordStick Pro ($44.97 Value)

OmniStrap ($44.97 Value)

Best Value - 50% Off

The Bulletproof Knees Bundle



Bundle Up & Save 50%

NordStick Pro ($44.97 Value)

OmniStrap ($44.97 Value)

5 Steps To Nordic Curls ($19.97 Value)

Nordic Curls Mastery ($29.97 Value)